Friday, July 1, 2011

The Zoo

If you haven't been to the zoo lately, give it a try. The zoo in Salt Lake City is a great outing for a day. Our favorite was the garaff, Did you know they had black toungues?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Mysteries of the Human Mind

As we were out driving the other day, we came upon this house. It is located way west of Ogden. I wish I could tell you the exact location but lets face it. We were lost. What is west of Hooper? Anyway we came upon this house. It looks like one of those picture where you try to find hidden objects.We have counted several toy trucks and cars. Take a minute and examine the wonders of the human mind.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lost Creek

One of our favorite places to go in the summer is Lost Creek Reservoir. Travel up I-84 to the Croyden exit and follow the road to the reservoir. Lost Creek is a wave less lake perfect for fishing or just paddling around.

The shore is the home of the cute and friendly Unita ground squirrel. These little animals will come right up to your feet for a crust of bread or chips.
The kids love them.

It is great for a day trip in the summer.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Electric lake

A dam was built on the hunting creek to create a reservoir for the hunting power plant. The lake covers an old abandoned town of Connellsville. The lake is in the high wasatch mountains by Fairview on the way to Huntington (Highway 31) It is said to be great for fishing and boating.
If the snow ever melts I want to try it out.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Story of the Past

Not all road in Utah remind us of happy times. Highway 96 West of Price is in the coal mining district or Utah. In May 1900, 200 men were killed in a mine disaster in Winter Quarters near Scofield.My grandfather should have been one of them. He was a mine carpenter (I have the table he made when my aunt was born.) Many men saw him walk into the mine just before it exploded. But for some reason he forgot his hammer and went back out. They told my grandmother, who are expecting my mother, they were sure he had died in the mine. She with the other people in the town ran to the mine expecting the worst. My grandfather was fine but a little shocked. He with the other surviving men tried to rescue all they could. It was a very sad day for all of Utah. He lived into his 80's always wondering and grateful how a carpenter could forget something as important as his hammer.
This picture shows men waiting for the train to come to take all the bodies to the place where they were to be buried.

This is the Scofield cemetery where many of the men were buried.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The road to East Canyon

One of the most beautiful road in Utah is the road from Morgan to East Canyon and on to I-80 or Park City. Part of it is closed in winter but it is worth the wait till spring. Besides the small towns along the way, wild life is everywhere. the East Canyon state park is one of our favorite fishing places.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Other Zions

20 miles north of St. George is Kolob Canyon. It is part of Zions National Park but even when the main part of the park is crowded, Kolob is not. It is very beautiful with giant red canyon walls and green foliage. There are beautiful vistas and hiking trails. Kolob has a small visitor center. The best time to visit Kolob is in the evening when the sun shines on the red rocks or in the morning for an early hike.

Because Kolob Canyon is at the higher elevation, it is much cooler than the main park, even in summer. Any trip to Zions or St. George should include a side trip to Kolob Canyon.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Parowan Gap

The Parowan Gap from a distance looks like a giant cut in the road. But in reality it is a natural gap in the mountains made by a dried up stream and wind.

Located about 10 miles west of the town of Parowan on the Parowan Gap road. Once inside of the gap hundreds of ancient Indian petroglyphs line the rock walls.It is an amazing place. Originally form by mountain up lift, stream erosion and wind. As the climate dried the stream quit leaving just the cut in the rock where the wind whistled through.
For several centuries Indians passed through the gap leaving designs pecked on the rocks

The Parowan Gap is a protected sight and should be view with care. Picture taking is welcome but make sure nothing is damaged. The Gap is a must see of anyone traveling I-15

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Farmington Bay

Farmington Bay located in West Farmington can't be beat for birding. Thousands of birds live or fly through every year. We have seen everything from tiny swallows to golden eagles, turtles to deer in this small gem in northern Utah. Take the first exit off I-15, travel north to State street. Turn west to 650 west and south to Grover lane. One more right turn and just follow the signs. The full bay is open through the fall and winter but spring and summer is for nesting birds. I love to go there on a spring or summer morning to see the best variety of wild life.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

zions in winter

Now is the time to go to Zions in Southern Utah. During the summer it is way crowded and hot. In the winter there are few people and it is quite and so peaceful. The best time is January through March . I highly recommend it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Peter Sink

Often on the weather report, they talk about Peter Sink. It holds the record for the coldest spot in Utah and the second coldest spot in the U.S.(-69) To say Peter Sink is not on the beaten path is an understatement. Located off a rocky dirt road that can only be navigated by a high 4-wheel drive or horse back. It is best just to be content to know the general location. Peter Sink is located of Highway 89 at the top of Logan canyon on the way to Bear Lake. An unmanned weather station was placed there in 1985. What makes it sooo cold? The sink (there are several in the area) are small valleys with no outlet. In other words the cold air gets trapped in the bottom and can't get out. Peter Sink is so cold that trees die in the bottom. Sounds like a great place to visit maybe in August.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Antelope Island

If you want to look a Buffalo in the eye, Antelope Island is the place.

Antelope island is one of my favorite places. It is a great place to visit all year round. It seems that every time we go there we see something different. Turning west off I-15 onto Antelope drive in Layton then over the causeway. There is camping, a small restaurant, and a working farm. The farm is great with all the old buildings and corrals. They bring the buffalo in to check them every fall. They also have a hot air balloon festival in the summer.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hardware Ranch

I suppose most people have heard of Hardware Ranch and it is on their list of things to do. It is located up highway 101 east of Hyrum. I thought it was great fun. It only costs $5 to ride in the sleigh and go right up the the side of the elk. The guide was very informative and answered all our questions plus let us take as many pictures as we wanted and even waited until we were finished. . The ranch was purchased in 1945 by the state of Utah to feed the elk in the winter so that they would not eat the farmers hay. They actually grow all the hay on the ranch to feed the elk. So it is a win-win situation. Besides the elk, there are other wild life near by. Fishing is good year round.

The sleigh is pulled by some beautiful Clydesdale horses that a gentle enough to pet.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Sign

While traveling north of Logan and several miles into Idaho, Kent noticed the sign on the side of a hill. We climbed up and was shocked at what it contained. Most everyone has heard of Lake Bonneville but few people know about Red Rock pass. It was an amazing discovery for me.

Once you read the sign and look at the country, you can almost see the mighty river winding its way through Idaho to the Snake River valley. Red Rock pass just suddenly broke loose sending down torrents of water. Wouldn't it have been great to stand on the side hill and watch it all happen? I bet it made a sound that could not be described. It also explained what happened to the great lake Bonneville. Amazing!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Just us and a few friends

Highway 30 becomes more desolate as you travel south. Soon even the telephone polls had deserted us. We came upon this small heard of elk who wondered who had invaded their territory. Highway 30 ends just west of Wendover. I was glad to see the big slab of I-80. We enjoyed the farmland and ranches at the beginning of the road but I feel no need to go their again.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Highway 30

Tucked up in the very north west corner of Utah is highway 30. It leaves Snowville on I-84 and heads west then south around the Great Salt Lake. The most remarkable thing is that it was once the old midland trail. This dirt road started about 1860 and actually went from the east across the prairie to the west supplying the mining camps and towns along the way. It wasn't until the 1930's the it was paved.

In the Beginning

Several years ago, my husband and I decided to travel down all the paved roads in Utah, our home state. We have just about finished and it has been an amazing adventure filled with wonderful vistas, grandeur and aw inspiring moments. Plus miles of almost boring deserts. This blog is dedicated to all the places we have traveled and things we have seen, Much of it unknown. Our guide is a well traveled book of maps published by Benchmark Maps. According to our daughter, the geographer, it is the best. GPS is great but it does not take the place of a good map. We will start our journey in the same place as the book. The North West corner.