Friday, February 4, 2011

The Sign

While traveling north of Logan and several miles into Idaho, Kent noticed the sign on the side of a hill. We climbed up and was shocked at what it contained. Most everyone has heard of Lake Bonneville but few people know about Red Rock pass. It was an amazing discovery for me.

Once you read the sign and look at the country, you can almost see the mighty river winding its way through Idaho to the Snake River valley. Red Rock pass just suddenly broke loose sending down torrents of water. Wouldn't it have been great to stand on the side hill and watch it all happen? I bet it made a sound that could not be described. It also explained what happened to the great lake Bonneville. Amazing!


  1. That is AMAZING!!! I have never heard about this. How cool! Thanks for sharing.

  2. It would be great to stand and watch that.
